How the Humidity Cleared my Cystic Acne
You know those summer days where the weather is hot, sticky, and feels like a wet blanket? Yeah. My face loves it. My skin has always been fickle, which has been both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I can easily tell when my skin loves something, on the other hand, I can REALLY tell when my skin hates it (yeah, I’m talking to you, almond butter…).
During a recent trip to Florida, my pores got the ultimate spa day: constant warm, humid temperatures.
My happy train skirted to a FULL stop, (more like derailed) the day after I returned home to Boston.
I wasn’t surprised to see one or two breakouts the next day, but the real shock came when my face was a complete cystic war zone mid-week! Could it have been the food? No. I react very quickly to food I shouldn’t have eaten. Maybe I forgot to take some vitamins? Nope. If I forgot, I took them as soon as I remembered. Maybe I was just less stressed on my trip? Nah. I’m usually as cool as a cucumber!
The realization didn’t come until I noticed that my otherwise healthy nails were splitting and on the verge of breaking. This didn’t make much sense either since I hadn’t even bothered to do my nails during my trip and they were as strong as ever (even after being exposed to chlorinated pools all week!).
I started researching humid weather x acne and lo and behold:
Other people in the Google world noticed this correlation, too! Of course, there’s plenty of people who’s skin despises the hot, humid temps, but I am not one of them!
Dry air affects that fabulous moisture-rich barrier our skin has in place. When my skin is dry, it becomes very irritated.
Ready to try anything to mimic that glorious Florida weather, I purchased a warm-mist humidifier. I woke up the next morning to a nice, cozy and warm bedroom. The eager beaver that I am, I ran to the nearest mirror and noticed my skin looked much calmer than the night before.
Humidity-1, Acne-0.
For the last week, I have been consistently running the humidifier each night, with the door cracked for fresh air. I have had zero painful, cystic acne breakouts! My nails are back to their strong, talon-like strength and I am no longer waking up with a dry throat.
Despite my skin’s love for all things humid, I still make sure to keep my face clean and moisturized. At night I use our Balancing Cleanser to gently wash away any dirt or impurities. While my skin was still damp I apply two pumps of our Hydrating Face Oil to lock in moisture. These two are my product staples.
Am I sold? Yes! I will continue to use the humidifier as long as we have our AC blasting cool dry air. I may not need it as much in the fall, but once the heat kicks on the Winter, I’ll have my trusty humidifier ready.
So come on Summer, bring on the 85% humidity days. I’m ready!
1 comment
Exact same situation for me. After a week in Singapore I had a blemish free face for the first time in years despite eating nothing but junk the whole holiday. Same thing happened when I went to Canada in summer. Back in Victoria Australia, its dry winters and dry summers and skin immediately went back to worse than ever. Trying to find a warm mist humidifer here at the moment but can only find cool mist, will keep searching.